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Tuesday, August 04, 2015

A stunning Senior Moment


  1. What a wonderful come-back. So true.

  2. Let's hear one for the old dudes

  3. I don't think that happened as described here but it is true. Not just for this young generation and the older one before it but for any young and old generation in the past and in the future.

    Of course, there are a lot of young people respectable of the accomplishments of the old and old people respectable of the potential of the young but some of us seem to prefer having these two groups portrayed as being antagonistic all the time.

  4. The shoe will be on the other foot in 20 years when this kid's kids point at a generation in which almost nothing was accomplished.

  5. This story is derivative of a true-life event. In the 1960's, college students in the University of California system went on strike and took over administrative offices to bring attention to various things they wanted. A small delegation of them got an audience with the Governor and plead their case. One of the students made similar remarks about how the Governor and his fellows couldn't understand the younger generation's experience. He responded in a way that became his trademark..."You're right, we didn't have those things. So, we invented them." That governor was Ronald Reagan. You can find a recounting of this story in this biography "An American Life".

  6. This is just an embellishment of the response that Ronald Reagan gave during one of the debates, where he was asked if he was too old to serve as president in today's world, with all the computer technology. He reminded the questioner that it was his generation that invented the technology that the questioner was referring to.


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