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Sunday, August 16, 2015

A Letter To The Editor: Riverside Homes

My name is Sharon. I have some issues of professionalism regarding ms Jean Smith, property manager at riverside homes. I find her to be rude and disrespectful. She is dismissive and non responsive when you need to bring up concerns about your apartment. She was angry with me because I contacted you about your policy on pet deposits. The truth is I had been trying to get information from her about these policies for two weeks before contacting you. 

On another occasion I called her office to report my toilet backed up. After getting no responses, I finally called the booth street office to report the problem. Then ms Jean came over and reamed me out for calling booth street. I was very ill that day and had been recently hospitalized. 

The most recent issue are the smoke detectors in my apartment. They are malfunctioning due to low battery and sounding off which is stressful and annoying. I reported the problem to ms Jean a week ago and no one has been here to effect repairs. When I inquired as to when this might be done, she was extremely discourteous. 

I've been putting up with the noise for a week now and she makes me feel I'm intruding just to ask. This attitude and behavior needs to cease immediately or I will seek legal action and contact city building inspector. I have never been anything but courteous to that woman and I've reached the limit of my patience with her. She and I have a meeting on August 13 regarding recertification and I will also have legal representation at this meeting. 

I am requesting she not come to my home under any circumstances. 

Thank you for your consideration,


  1. I bet the toilet worked fine when you moved in. You clogged it. Buy a plunger when you go to the dollar store and buy a couple 9 volt batteries for the smoke detectors while you are there. What is next? The window is open and the rental company should come close it for you.

  2. Why wouldn't you just buy some replacement batteries for the smoke detectors and have a friend or relative replace them? Or maybe you could do it yourself. Doesn't seem very wise to listen to them chirp for several days.

  3. So cheap and lazy that you can't unclog your own toilet or buy batteries for your smoke detectors?

  4. I'm not familiar with this place but I was always under the assumption that even when renting you are responsible for basic maintenance. Things like changing smoke detector batteries, plunging your toilet and replacing burnt out light bulbs included. Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel I need to be responsible for myself and not rely on others for basics. As for the person writing this letter, how are you addressing your concerns? Are you being pleasant or demanding? And for the management lady, it's always good to be courteous. Both should remember the old saying about getting more with honey vs vinegar.

  5. Really?

    Plug up your toilet and need a battery for your smoke detector and you're going to get a lawyer?

  6. yea, buy a plunger and replace the batteries. do yo want her to tuck you in at night too ?

  7. lmao! can't afford batteries or a plunger but can manage to come up with legal representation?
    What f'n joke!

  8. Probably hasn't paid this month's rent yet either.

  9. It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness!
    Go to the dollar tree and get some batteries, unclog your own toilet.
    Be self reliant and not a burden on others!!!!

  10. Smoke detectors are the responsibility of the landlord. EVEN LIGHT BULBS.

  11. Call Salisbury Neighborhood Services and file a complaint with them. Call the Salisbury Fire Department for assistance with the smoke detectores. 4436141387.

  12. Send your message to alberobutzo@wmconnect.com .

    1. It's ok. Thanks for listening anyway.

  13. 9:25, I used to have and apartment. I never once thought about calling my landlord for a replacement light bulb or replacing the battery for a smoke detector. It's cheaper anyway if you replace with low energy bulbs. I'm sure if you get the landlord to replace them, it will be the cheapest you can buy!

  14. keep dreaming 9:25 no lease i have ever seen says landlord is responsible for light bulbs. Most leases state that basic repairs due to tenant actions (clogged toilet/sink) are tenants responsibility.

  15. Thanks 9:32. glad to see one community organizer/liberal reads this blog and can't solve a simple problem without calling a government agency or spell detectors. Just as lazy as the original poster.

  16. working smoke detectors in proper locations and working at time of rental - yes. replacement batteries - typically, no. A functioning toilet when it was rented is required, or it could NOT have been rented. The lease will dictate if the landlord is responsible for maintaining working order. If it doesn't work, the residence can be deemed uninhabitable. The question is, is this part of Booth St. in City Limits and under supervision of Salisbury's Neighborhood Services? Since there is a Property Manager, the onus would fall back on her for not responding to a tenants inquiries, and at least indicating who is responsible, or having a building maintenance man take care of it, and bill her.

  17. It's a elderly home. Think before you troll.

  18. Is the toilet clog an on going problem? I ask because I've heard the Low-Flow toilets have been a disaster in apartment buildings. This because of lower water pressure. At certain times of the day, when residents are home and using water I heard it's really bad.

  19. Like an assisted living facility 10:05?

  20. Jean Smith needs an attitude adjustment. She's a property manager and no one calls or visits the property manager who doesn't have a complaint or a problem. Some people are going to be upset and some even irate. A true professional knows how to calm the situation without getting an attitude and corrects the problem as soon as possible, no matter how insignificant Smith may think it is.
    Riverside Homes is subsidized housing for the elderly and the disabled administered by the Wicomico County Housing Authority.

  21. Living assisted facility or not, If you can't do it, get a friend or family member to help you.

  22. Buy a plunger and a battery. As a tenant you have certain responsibilities.
    There are times you must do things on your own get with the program

  23. I'm fairly certain that in dwellings other than a 3 unit dwelling the landlord is responsible to keep the smoke detector in working condition as per MD law because too many tenants were removing or making the detectors inoperable. This would include battery replacement.
    With that in mind it is the tenant's responsibility to notify landlord by certified mail that there is a potential problem w/the smoke detector.

  24. Not necessarily 11:30. This particular complex is for the elderly and the disabled, so the interior maintenance that's usually required for other tenants doesn't apply here. This is why is it designated-i.e-elderly/disabled- by the Wic Co Housing Authority as such.

  25. You people are harsh! Hope you never need help because, as they say, karma is a real bitch!

  26. costs more to send a certified letter than to buy two 9 volt batteries at the dollar store. typical liberal response.

  27. Sounds to me like this whiner is about to get her eviction notice.


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