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Monday, July 20, 2015

Worse than we could have imagined

When you write a column, as did I two weeks ago, headlined “The worst agreement in U.S. diplomatic history,” you don’t expect to revisit the issue. We had hit bottom. Or so I thought. Then on Tuesday the final terms of theIranian nuclear deal were published. I was wrong.

Who would have imagined we would be giving up the conventional arms and ballistic missile embargoes on Iran? In nuclear negotiations?

When asked Wednesday at his news conference why there is nothing in the deal about the American hostages being held by Iran, President Obama explained that this is a separate issue, not part of nuclear talks.



  1. I'll bet that as bad as this deal is, the Idiot will be given another Dumb-Bell Peace Prize.

  2. It's no wonder the Iranians were dancing in the streets with this so called deal! It is no deal at all they get to keep what they have and all embargoes are lifted and they are almost guaranteed to be a nuclear power in 10-12 yrs, or sooner. What does the rest of the world get... more terrorist and terrorism !! What the f*** were they smoking when this was drawn up? All this time supposedly negotiating a give, give, giveaway deal ?

  3. damn I just can't believe so many people are into bombing yet another country. Aren't we already killing enough people in enough countries? Not a fan of this current syncophant of the elite but seriously lets take a break from bombing everyone and see if they live up to what they've agreed to. And if they don't well then we can always take action.

  4. 9:30 am, give me strength. You really think Iran will live up to what they've agreed to? Drink some more koolaid. Since when have they lived up to any deal?

  5. I hope Israel bombs them off the face of the Earth before they get their Nuke program going, our only hope is them. Obama will continue to deny that they will have a nuke in less than 5 years. Iran and it's people need to be destroyed.


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