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Friday, July 03, 2015

Why you should stop waving the rainbow flag on Facebook

I remember one of the first times I thought I might be gay. I was about 10, walking with my mom through Chelsea – New York City’s preeminent gayborhood – and saw a rainbow flag hanging from a pharmacy storefront. The sight of the flag made me deeply uncomfortable. Even then, I knew it somehow represented me and marked me as different. I was only a kid, but I understood that if I identified with that flag, I’d be in for a hard life.

This past weekend, I saw more rainbow flags than I had previously seen in the 26 years of my life combined. Everything – the White House, corporate logos, and especially my Facebook feed – suddenly was covered in the colors of gay pride. Since Friday, an astonishing 26 million people have overlain their profile pictures with semitransparent rainbow stripes, a feature Facebook created to celebrate gay pride after the Supreme Court’s historic ruling in favor of same-sex marriage.

But the more flags I saw last weekend, the more uncomfortable I felt.



  1. Wah, wah. I'm gay and nobody accepted me.

    Wah, wah. I'm gay and everybody accepts me.

    This drama queen is never going to be happy.

    Now he's bitching and mad at the people who support him because they didn't play a part in the victory (like he did).

    Self absorbed, narcissistic drama queen. Keep taking, and you'll get America to finally say "enough".

    I guarantee, they are going to wear out their welcome.

  2. Astonishing? Really? NO!
    What is astonishing is that ONLY 26 million have rainbowed their profile picture.
    THERE ARE 1.23 BILLION people on Facebook.
    That is proof positive people in very large numbers DO NOT approve of the queer agenda!
    Thank you Facebook for proving the fact!

  3. So many morons in this country thinking it's cool to do what others do. To stupid to understand that it is not cool to like homosexual gay sex. Putting a mans junk in another mans trunk is not love.

  4. Your extremely right 10:28. The whole gay thing is a sickness. By making it all seem ok the insurance companies are getting out of having to treat the illness.

  5. First they wanted to be accepted now they want this or that. It never stops with THESE people. Grow a pair Nancy and sick it up like I have to because you gas want to be normal when we ALL KNOW your not.

  6. 8:09 P, My math has that at .00200%.

    That's almost everybody I don't care about!

  7. If you're gay, then so be it. But don't push your agenda on others to try to get them to change to conform to your abnormality. We're all American citizens (or some of us now) and should not be flaunting our differences.

  8. whats our great mayor doing right now


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