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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

White House Lit Up in Rainbow Colors For Gay Marriage Within Hours, But Took 5 Days to Lower Flag For Dead Marines

Obama finally makes the decision after intense criticism

The Obama administration lit up the White House in rainbow colors within hours of the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage, but it took five days for flags to be lowered to half mast in honor of the four murdered Marines in Chattanooga.

In fact, the official White House Twitter account still has the rainbow colored building as its main background image weeks later.

“President Obama has ordered flags at the White House and other public buildings to fly at half-staff after mounting criticism over the delay in honoring five armed forces members killed last week by a gunman,” reports Politico.



  1. I would like to hear a reason why, then an apology to the families.

  2. I would like for this 8 yr nightmare to be over.

  3. white liberals looking for validation of how intellectually and morally superior they were to the rest of "fly-over" country and the entire South voted in this America-hating ideologically-bent facist. They got their ego kibbles and smug satisfaction --liberals don't derive satisfaction from hard work or individual success--they get their big fat heads from feeling like they are supporting the right CAUSE or electing the right candidate. Now that there is no fashionable liberal to vote for the Commnists aka Democrats are flooding the country with illegals to compensate. I hate liberals.

  4. In his fathers dreams!

  5. He needs to go to ech familiy in person and give reason to his acts. Worst President ever. I voted for him the first time. Screw me once shame on you. Screw me twice shame on me.

    He needs to go and all, I mean all of his staff.

  6. Goes to show you the respect our worthless President has for our military as compared to the respect he has for the gay and lesbian community...OUTRAGEOUS! what has that community ever done for America compared to our military?

  7. freak lives matter, marine lives don't

  8. Perhaps he and his tribe could become king of Kenya. That would be a great place for all of them to stay.


  10. Valerie jarrod is a treasonous Wh..e.

  11. Great summation, 12:42. Yeah - I despise liberals, too.

  12. We have no President at the current time. I'd rather not wait until 2016, either, to get one.

  13. Just shows you where his priorities lie.


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