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Thursday, July 02, 2015

We Need Your Help! Endangered Birds in Ocean City Threatened by Boat Wakes

For the first time in more than 20 years, the endangered Black Skimmer has been found nesting on an unnamed island near Ocean City. Unfortunately wakes from holiday weekend boat traffic, coupled with unusually high tides may destroy these nests.

DNR is asking boaters to PLEASE LIMIT SPEED to 6 knots or less between the 50 bridge and the Red #2 Channel marker. Black skimmer nests on the beach near the channel are in danger of being washed away by the boat wakes. Help us give these birds a chance!

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  1. Ban All Boats....

  2. To the DNR, good luck with that "PLEASE LIMIT SPEED to 6 knots or less between the 50 bridge and the Red #2 Channel marker. " request. Nothing slows down the commercial charter fishing boats that go ripping through the inlet twice a day, drawing massive wakes behind their multi-million dollar vessels. They have no regard for anyone else and will swamp smaller vessels that try to share the water in the inlet. I don't really think THEY are going to give a rat's butt about some nesting birds.

  3. These fools are worried about a few bird nests when the American Family is the REAL endangered species!


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