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Thursday, July 02, 2015

Veterans' claims for sleep apnea soar

WASHINGTON — Veterans' claims for sleep apnea — a common, treatable ailment often associated with obesity and aging — have spiked nearly 150% since 2009, driving compensation for the disorder likely over $1 billion per year, according to government data and interviews.

Nearly nine of 10 veterans receiving compensation are considered 50% disabled by the condition, in which breathing ceases during sleep. For a single veteran without dependents, the monthly payment is $822.15 for a disability rating of 50%.

About half of Americans who suffer from it are overweight, according to the National Institutes of Health. Aging is also a contributing factor. Untreated, sleep apnea can lead to serious health problems, including heart disease.



  1. More BS with the VA.
    The government diagnosed and rules our lives as usual.
    The VA , a crooked part of a cooked government.
    Soon we will be paying for ingrown toenails.

  2. I have been diagnosed with PTSD from 3 different doctors including head shrinks from the VA . This has been going on since 1968 .
    I do not draw a dime of compensation for this and proud of it.
    WTF is wrong with people today , you want the government to support you for being an American? Obama has got you by the ass.


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