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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Unlike Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders Never Says, 'When I Become President, I Will Answer Your Question'

One attribute shared by Ronald Reagan and Barrack Obama is the ability to communicate a message. While their messages differ politically, the speeches of both two-term presidents seem to hit the core of what voters were looking for during their respective eras. When a person is straightforward and forthright in their words, even a xenophobic and nativist New York billionaire can reach the hearts and minds of his constituency. After so long of being forced to hear vapid talking points and carefully crafted political rhetoric, Americans yearn for honesty and clarity in leadership.

This is why Hillary Clinton's style of communication is not only vague, but lends itself to criticism. A Washington Post article titled "Hilary Clinton's ridiculous hedge on Keystone XL" quotes the former Secretary of State's answer to a simple question about her stance on the pipeline:

Here's Hillary Clinton's "answer" to a question about whether she supports or opposes the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline at a townhall in New Hampshire today.

"If it's undecided when I become president, I will answer your question," Clinton said. "This is President Obama's decision. I'm not going to second-guess him."

Er, what?

Clinton went on to note that she was in a position unique among the 2016 field due to her time as secretary of state. "I'm in a different position than any other candidate," Clinton said. "I was there. I put this process together. I oversaw it for four years."



  1. Has she bumped her head again?

  2. Went to a Bernie rally yesterday to see what was going on. A lot more people there than at the local Ron Paul organizing effort(in 2012) and Bernie is getting a jump on building grassroots effort that I think will be better organized. However... I also noticed that knowledge of current events and how they fit into the platform was lacking. They were having technical difficulties with a video and everyone just sat around in silence. At Ron Paul meet ups you couldn't shut us up. We would talk for an hour and a half after the thing ended, just about politics and the race.
    Bernie spoke about the 10℅ unemployment, and then demanded 15/hour min wage + mandatory sick/maternity leave. As eveyone clapped i wanted to stand up and ask how making yourself harder to employ will improve unemployment. Also cheered when he demanded free public college. There is no such thing as free government anything...someone pays. I completely agree with every problem that Bernie points out, but I completely disagree with his ways of solving it. I am backing him to win Dem nomination and unfortunately will have to back him all the way if anyone other than Rand Paul or Ben Carson get the Republican nomination. The others don't believe in true capitalism anyway so really what's the difference between socialism and bastardized capitalism.

  3. I hope Bernie gets the job... it will be nice to see the US as socialist as China!

  4. 1:41 How can you be for a socialist (modern day American style communist) and Ron Paul or Ben Carson who are calling for smaller limited government power. Sounds like you are one mixed up puppy. I can agree that crony or "bastardized" capitalism is not good but Bernie Sanders? REALLY??

    1. I think we are screwed on our current course. I know that they are polar opposites, that is why I said reluctantly support. I am not going to change my conservative views but someone needs to come in who is going to break the machine, he's the only Dem who would. I don't hold out as much hope for Rand and Ben BC the Republican establishment will break every rule in the book to sabatoge them. He still has to follow the constitution and work with congress so he can't do any more damage than Obama has already done. And he wants to end these stupid wars!

  5. 3:42 Still has to follow the constitution? Our current president is using it for toilet paper and bypassing the congress. No one has the guts to stop that. Don't be naive.

  6. Sure, vote for Bernie.
    If you want National Socialism like nazi Germany, or if you want the same financial crisis that Greece is facing.
    OR, if you want the corruption and poverty of Venezuela, or the murder rate of El Salvador.

  7. We need to go Communist, then everyone is equal.

  8. 6:51 yup equally destitute and mired in poverty.


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