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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Undeniable Fact


  1. I just can't get over the fact as to how uninformed the black community is over the Confederate flag. For decades they have allowed to be made FOOL'S of themselves. They wonder why they have so many problems with in the community. Not to mention the fake concerned whites the are just as clueless.

  2. As my grandfather father used to say "believe nothing you hear and half of what you see" that is what they should do. Better yet think for yourselves instead of being led by the nose.

  3. Anonymous said...
    I just can't get over the fact as to how uninformed the black community is over the Confederate flag. For decades they have allowed to be made FOOL'S of themselves. They wonder why they have so many problems with in the community. Not to mention the fake concerned whites the are just as clueless.

    July 15, 2015 at 6:11 AM

    It really wasn't a problem until RINO's like Mitt Romney, Nikki Haley and others caved in and said it offended people that don't even vote for them. Now other RINO's are stepping forward and jumping on that same bandwaggon. Look at our own Governor Larry Hogan. WTF!!

  4. The only racist symbol are those below the Confederate Battle Flag.

  5. The black community is uninformed as to most things 6:11. This is why they haven't advanced at all.
    Oh yeah they can sit in the front of the bus but what good is that when you get off the bus and you have to fear that another black is going to shoot you dead.
    The only thing blacks have to fear are other blacks and as soon as they stop the lying and admit the truth will they ever advance as a race.
    All this killing of each other the way they do only makes people of other races not only look at them with suspicion but also with disgust.
    The only things blacks have to fear are other blacks and until they admit it they are a useless case.

  6. It is all Americans who are uninformed or should we say misinformed by our unethical leaders. We don't think for ourselves anymore. We are led like sheep to the slaughter. Unfortunately too many now are dependent on the herders and are now completely blind. The slaughter of America has begun.

  7. If it is ok to do away with the confederate flag, then it definitely should be ok to do away with all of the other symbols.

  8. Let's get rid of all entitlement programs because they are racist against whites.

  9. I knew that a long time ago.

  10. We are destroying ourselves from within. Get rid of the Al Sharptons, the panthers, the KKK, the skin heads, the neonazis and the muslims. If we did this, then the bad things destroying this country will come to an abrupt halt. We need to go by our Constitution and just obey the law. And if you're offended by this, then you need to go as well!

  11. So called "political correctness" is out of control. It is destroying our country.

  12. Don't forget Jet and Ebony magazines.

  13. At which state capitols do these symbols fly?...Have not seen any BET flags in a while...lol


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