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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Trump’s Defiant Response After Mexican Man Publicly Confronts Him on Illegal Immigration

After Donald Trump spoke in Vegas today, a man who said he’s from Mexico confronted him during his Q&A and said he’s “incredibly insulted” by what Trump has been saying about illegal immigrants and Mexico. He told Trump he’s being unfair to paint all illegal immigrants with a broad brush, but Trump piped up, “Did the government of Mexico ask you to come up and say this?” The man dismissed Trump’s comment and asked him if he would build walls around every U.S. state to keep out all the rapists and criminals who are already in the United States and cross state lines. Trump continued to stand by everything he’s said thus far on the matter, and right before they moved on, the man shouted, “Did you read the Statue of Liberty?”



  1. Mexico problem? Were are they? This is an outright attempt by the democrats to subvert our country its treason. Trump is right on

  2. Illegal is against the law. Trump is right.

  3. The Statue of Liberty does not speak to the law of the land. Indeed, immigration through Ellis Island was a selective process, embracing those who could become productive citizens and sending the rest back to their places of origin. It wasn't a free-for-all process, irrespective of all considerations.

    1. That is how the Italian mafia entered the United States. We know all about their corruption.

  4. There are plenty of Americans who would step up to the plate and do their jobs if the number of Mexicans were greatly reduced.

  5. Let's all move to Mexico and have a new America. After all, that's the only place where Mexicans aren't.

  6. Ever notice the people with their national colors on their car or shirt? So proud to be from there but don't want to live there.


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