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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Toxic Fracking Water Being Used to Water Crops During California Drought

It was reported last week that many crops in the drought-stricken state of California are actually being irrigated with fracking wastewater.

Fracking is the process of drilling down into the earth before a high-pressure water mixture is directed at the rock to release the gas inside. Water, sand and chemicals are injected into the rock at high pressure, which allows the gas to flow out to the head of the well. Wastewater produced from this process is highly toxic and filled with a variety of chemicals. In many cases, people who live near fracking sites have been able to set fire to the water and air that comes through their pipes.

In the midst of the recent drought in California, it was discovered that fracking wastewater has been used on crops for over 20 years. The Cawelo Water District, a guild comprised of local farmers, has been cooperating with oil firms in the area to recycle their wastewater for food production.



  1. Anti-fracking BS propaganda. Fracking has NEVER caused anyones tapwater 2 be flammable. The video of flaming water circulating around the net that is blamed on fracking was actually caused by a natural gas pipeline leak.

  2. What the frigg is fracking for? Fracking is a familiar way to facilitate fuel from far underground. However , fallacious federal fanfare has ferried a furious fixation of flatulent flare-ups.
    Another forest to fool our fellow friends while friction of the free people foster his franchise forcing friends to be fooled.

  3. It's a lie no chemicals are used just another liberal progressive hit job designed to keep America down.


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