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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Target SUES Hero who Fended off Knife-Wielding Attacker as He Stabbed a 16-year-old Female Hostage

Most people would jump in and try to stop a girl from getting stabbed right in front of our eyes, right? Michael Turner is now being SUED by the retail giant, when they should be sending him a thank you card. I just despise how ridiculously litigiousAmerica has become:



  1. Until America starts standing up to this corporate political correct BS.. flags, guns, ammo, illegals, gays. This is the result from getting rid of mom and pop stores, no more local values. Only greedy corporations Who will gladly take your dollars and shove politics down Your throat.. Get corporations out of politics, they are forcing us to abide by your immoral values that are politically incorrect!! and sometimes offensive policies. Just just more warfare, compliments of the hidden dangers of the rainbow soliders. Our only power boycott boycott boycott!!! target in my book you're done

  2. Until America starts standing up to this corporate political correct BS.. flags, guns, ammo, illegals, gays. This is the result from getting rid of mom and pop stores, no more local values. Only greedy corporations Who will gladly take your dollars and shove politics down Your throat.. Get corporations out of politics, they are forcing us to abide by your immoral values that are politically incorrect!! and sometimes offensive policies. Just just more warfare, compliments of the hidden dangers of the rainbow soliders. Our only power boycott boycott boycott!!! target in my book you're done

  3. Who shops at target? ?? Illegals. Never shopped there and now I know why.

  4. No problem..I am.now boycotting target. Vote with your wallet folks.

  5. I stopped shopping at Target after the hacking incident and have never been back. After reading this article, I know with certainty I won't shop there no matter what I need.

    I'm not a fan of paying more than I have to for any product, but common sense prevails and if they treat someone like this, why do I need to support them? If I need to spend more for a product elsewhere, I will. Ethics matter.

  6. So how can a retail store sue you for saving someone else's life?

  7. If I were the victim of that stabbing, I would sue target for allowing someone to harm me... She should sue back...


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