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Monday, July 20, 2015

Steady Wins The Race


  1. I know that ain't Rick Hoppes running. Not that fat lazy slob, but it looks like him.

  2. Come on JT you can do it, stop being a burden on society and make something of yourself!

  3. Looks like JT except he's too busy being someone's useful idiot.
    Besides he only emerges from his cesspool when food is involved.

  4. No 9:21 and 9:23 that does not look like JT. The person in the pic is to skinny and JT would never give up his disability cash cow. He might have to work then.

  5. Well here's your first positive comment on this post. Thank you Joe, for posting this. It's encouraging to those of us who are trying to lose weight. :-) The rest of the commenters I feel sorry for. Negativity gets you nowhere.


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