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Monday, July 06, 2015

Shocking: Obama Implemented Martial Law…Now Confirmed!!!

You’ve heard all the hype. We’ve heard all the stories and videos about Jade Helm, FEMA Camps, and Martial Law… and people said we were “Conspiracy Theorists.” Even the Mainstream Media Has Covered Obama’s Plans For Martial Law, but still people looked the other way.

I’ve covered, FEMA Concentration Camps Disguised As Shopping Malls Being Built Everywhere, and people looked the other way. Military and U.S. Agents Have Been Caught Patrolling Texas Streets Asking Mysterious Questions, and as shocking as it is, on more than one occasion, Texas’ Governor Mobilized State Militia’s To Protect Against the Feds, but still, people looked away. I’ve covered the sick and twisted relationship going on with Jade Helm, the Bilderberg’s, the CIA, and the sicking merging of Jade Helm With the Pentagon’s Biological Technology Office, but still, people looked away.


In the video below you’ll get a rude awaking into what to expect from Martial Law… and Obama just signed it into law. A source also recently spotted thousands of Martial Law signs… more to come on that when the proof comes if the source can provide a picture for it. For now, check out the video, then learn what Obama has done right below.



  1. The great deception is underway. Hopefully spiritually you are prepared! The attempt to destroy Jesus Christ And the ushering in of demons in full force is near. As you can see the stage and processes are in place .Wake Up!! the papal visit is the big kick off. Don't be the first on your block to get the mark of the beast

  2. When did Obama sign this?

  3. Man, you people are whacked!

  4. Comrades,you will obey or be re-trained in one of the camps.

  5. Resistance is futile.


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