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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Senator: ‘We Cannot Have a Group Say, If You Don’t Agree with Me, I Will Silence You’

(CNSNews) – “In America we cannot have a group say, if you don’t agree with me, I will silence you and make sure you cannot operate,” Senator James Lankford (R-Okla.) said, in reference to preserving religious liberty for faith-based groups in light of the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize homosexual marriage.

“In a private institution, if you remove tax-exempt status and you remove the opportunity to have student loans and you remove the Pell grants, you’ve shut down that institution and it was a volitional act to say: you disagree with me, I will close you down,” Lankford said.

“That is something we’ve got to be able to guard against, to say, can people have religious belief?” said the senator. “That affects how they hire and what they do.”

“When, this fall, someone walks in and says, we’re a couple, we have been married now as a gay marriage; we want to be in married student housing though your faith says something different; we want to join this university and we want to be in that spot and if you don’t accept us we’re going to try to take away your nonprofit status; we’re going to try to take away Pell grants from you; and we’re going to try to take away student loans from you, so you’d better accept us,” Lankford speculated, adding, “What happens at that moment?”



  1. He makes a good point.

    But this must NOT be about "religious freedoms", or it will backfire as certain groups are bound to take advantage of it, in order to spread their influence. It must remain a constitutional restraint preventing the government from using its powers to advance an ideology contrary to the will of the majority.

  2. When the LGBT community is allowed to dictate a society traditional liberties, freedom of speech and freedom of religion; that society crashes and burns. Ask the people of Rome, Sodom and Gomorrah. This country (America) will fall. Mark my word.

  3. I don't see any of you doing or fighting for your rights or religion as hard as these gays and atheist are...

    So, actually you should get nothing for not even fighting for what you want or believe in... It is that simple...

  4. Do we allow tax exempt status if you don't admit blacks or Jews?
    Sorry you are free to do as you please but don't expect gay people to pay taxes to support you.

  5. We do not live in a "majority rule" country, 10:18.

    This is a Constitutional Republic, and the Constitution dictates the protection of rights.

    What the Constitution says about this is.. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.."

    I understand your point, but this is, in fact, a religious issue, and we won't surrender our right in order to prevent the possibility of someone else exercising the same right, even if we don't agree with them.

  6. Gay just became a religion? When did this happen, 11:26? I was at the store getting groceries.

    By replacing the American Stars & Stripes with a gay flag... Does that make you a Government, too?

    Well, since you want, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..", I guess you have to be neither, but just what you are.

    A 2%-er!

  7. To the writer, it depends on who is running the school? Prospective students, or school faculty?

  8. "Sorry you are free to do as you please but don't expect gay people to pay taxes to support you."

    You must not be a taxpayer, sport. MY money is confiscated to support all manner of crap that I don't agree with and is counter to my personal welfare. I don't get to dictate how my money is squandered - why should you?


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