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Thursday, July 09, 2015

SC Gov signs bill to remove Confederate flag from grounds

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley signs a bill to remove the Confederate flag from the Capitol grounds.


  1. Lets face it ,it really is time to relegate that flag to the museums.I think we all know what it really signify's for the flag flyers. Let it go and show that we are all proud to be Americans, Everyone yes Everyone.

  2. She is a Freakin' Loser. Gives away the Confederate Flag for the Surrender Flag and the Gay Flag.

    I hope and pray this is her last term in office. The voters need to put her to rest.

  3. I am proud of South Carolina for making such a big step into the 21st century. I can't believe it but I am happy about it. It is time we were all one country again.

  4. 7:28 and 8:30. Thank you for your comments. I couldn't agree more.

  5. Since that local government voted to display that flag in defiance, voting to remove it only shows how spineless that legislative body is...bending to the will of the race-baiting federal government and a minority special-interest group.

    Maybe, it is time for the flag to go - but it is really time for the will of the majority of people to be heard!


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