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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Replace Maryland state song? [Poll]

Should the Maryland state song, which uses pro-Confederate phrases like "Northern scum" and refers to Lincoln as a "tyrant," be replaced?


  1. And replace it with some ghetto crap like "Driving Dirty"?

  2. No, it tells the truth! Lincoln was northern scum, and a criminal, just like Obama!

  3. Yes, replace "Northern scum" with "Washington scum" and "Tyrant Lincoln" with "Tyrant Obama". That ought to fix it!

  4. Maryland has a State song?

  5. I'm with you 11:51-I was not aware Md had a state song.

  6. 11:51 & 12:10, Do you watch the Preakness Stakes? Maryland My Maryland is sung by the Naval Academy Chorus.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I'm with you 11:51-I was not aware Md had a state song.

    July 14, 2015 at 12:10 PM

    There are some dumb people around here.

  8. The hell with the state song.

    Let's replace the state! Most of us hate this state. We want a new state. Or we want to join Delaware.

  9. 1:34. Yes. I watch the Preakness. Apparently, they only sing the 3rd verse. So really didn't recognize all the scum and tyrant references.

  10. Don't be so hasty to dismiss the state song. Give this up, then what will be the next thing we will be forced to give up? Little by little these liberals start nipping at a subject and slowly systematically your freedoms are gone forever.

    This state song has been around forever. Don't take a verse or phrase out of context likes these nuts want you to do. They are banking on us to make a quick, rash decision. Make an intelligent thoughtful decision.

    I hope we can stand for Maryland and keep the state song in tact.

  11. Don't forget Md. state motto "The free state". Are will really?


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