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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Remember The Muslim Cleric That Wanted Pam Geller Dead? You’ll Never Guess What He’s Up To!

You probably saw the jaw-dropping interview on Fox News with Sean Hannity, where Imam Anjem Choudary spoke positively about ISIS and the beheading of Western journalists.Well, this evil jerk won’t be giving interviews anytime soon…

Britain’s most notorious Islamist hate preacher was arrested yesterday in a huge police operation.

Anjem Choudary, 47, was one of nine men held in a series of coordinated dawn raids by counter-terrorist police.

The show of force targeted the leadership of radical organisation Al-Muhajiroun, which he founded almost 20 years ago, and was later banned.



  1. Oh hallejuah. I hope they hold him indefinitely.

  2. By allowing this man his freedom to speak we the people knew he had to be on a watch list. Amen for the first amendment.

  3. He is not an American. He has no 1st amendment. Keep his ass under the prison with hogs.

  4. Those (evil-doers) who live by the sword should die by the sword.


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