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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Rand Paul defies McConnell to defund Planned Parenthood

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., announced late Friday that he will "use every Senate rule" to force his Senate colleagues on the record after fellow Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., blocked his amendment to defund Planned Parenthood.

If Paul gets enough senators to sign his petition, he can go around McConnell and force a vote.

"I'm prepared to use every Senate rule at my disposal to force my colleagues on record whether they like it or not," Paul wrote Friday night. "Under Senate rules, if enough Senators are willing to stand with me and sign a petition demanding a vote, there will be no stopping you and me."

"The more I learn about Planned Parenthood's racket, aborting unborn children and then selling off their organs, the more my head spins," he wrote. "I'm not about to let Planned Parenthood off the hook. And I'm not about to let politicians and our media sweep this scandal under the rug."



  1. Get them on record. He has support across the aisle on this one. The are several pro-life Democrats.

  2. I don't want my money going there.

    Go, Rand!

  3. Well we're seeing a pattern here. McConnell was just called out on a lie about a secret deal by a fellow repub now he's being exposed as a supporter of an organization that carries out acts which are not consistent with the mainstream republican platform by another fellow republican. We are watching as conservative politicians expose other politicians who promote themselves as conservative but are actually trying to garner votes for the party. Try representing your constituents. Try keeping the promises you made when running for office! Two party politics makes this country suffer. Politicians serve the party rather than the people.

  4. Don't wish for something, because you just might get it...and you won't like the result.

    Planned Parenthood PREVENTS abortions by providing information, counseling and birth control services. Abortions are a very small percentage of the services they provide.

    If it weren't for Planned Parenthood, there would be a whole lot more low information voters. And I think we have enough of them.

    1. That's all fine and dandy but when they start selling aborted fetuses like meat in a market that is going way too far!


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