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Friday, July 03, 2015

Principal Takes Students iPhone 6 Won't Give It Back To Parent


  1. What the hell do children need a phone in school for?
    I'd keep the phone till school was out , but of course this student probably goes to school in the summer also( a gifted child ) NOT!.

  2. It's called theft. File charges.

  3. The phone belongs to the parent who should sue the school for theft.

  4. the iphone has the number of all of his contacts.... and that is why he wants it back. The flip phone will call 911 and that is all his child will need during school. I hope they copied all the contact numbers as well.

  5. Sounds like the parents have more money than they know what to do with, if they buy i-phones for kids to take to school. Kids are so spoiled nowadays and think they deserve everything.

  6. I think a lot of you have missed the point here.
    This educational puke has STOLEN private property, period. He's broken the law, he's a criminal and should be fired. He's also probably someone who feels IUDs belong in 6th grade females w/o parental knowledge.

  7. Here is a school districts policy on cell phones....

    According to the School District of Philadelphia Student Code of Conduct, it is against the Code for a student to bring to school a beeper or a cell phone. The first time a student is caught with a cell phone, beeper, hand held video game, the item WILL BE confiscated and returned at the end of the day. The second time the parents will called into meeting with the principal or her designee and the item will only be returned at that time. If there is a third time that the student is caught with one of these electronic devices, the item will be CONFISCATED AND NOT RETURNED.

  8. It probably has naked pictures of the principal!

  9. 9:07AM,
    The School District of Philadelphia's Student Code of Conduct is probably illegal if challenged. And, I hope these folks do.


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