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Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Pollster John Zogby: Clinton Campaign Is 'in Trouble'

One expert believes Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign is "sinking like a rock."

During an appearance on Newsmax TV's "Newsmax Prime," John Zogby of Zogby Analytics tells host J.D. Hayworth Clinton's stock is plummeting.

"Both her and her campaign are in trouble," Zogby says. "The very fact that there was a modest sort of acknowledgement of that really should reflect the fact that it's a much bigger problem. Not only for her, but for the party at this point and time. She is frankly sinking like a rock."



  1. Good. Hopefully it will tank completely and she will go home and stay there.

  2. Being a victim is immensely profitable.She does'nt want to be president and she is in the ideal spot to suggest the contrary.This poor unfortunate victimized lady will profit beyond our imagination while she and her old man sit back somewhere and laugh their asses off.If the MSM could muster up adequate IQ points to recognize opportunism at its best we would all be better off.I have not been duped,but apparently everyone else has.She has taken every measure possible to discredit herself and the lemming MSM runs with it like a deer.Hil does not want to be President!

  3. At least the rocks know they're sinking!

  4. Wanna bet Slow Joe (Biden) gets in the primary race? The Democrat equivalent of Donald Trump!

  5. she will win easily due to her honesty and sexiness


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