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Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Police: Boy found dead on swing was there nearly two days

The story was chilling and heartbreaking: A 3-year-old boy was found dead in a Southern Maryland park, his mother pushing him on the swing.

More than a month after Ji’Aire Donnell Lee’s death, the Charles County Sheriff’s Office revealed more terrible details: Ji’Aire was alive when his mother put him on the swing. He stayed on it for almost two days.

A medical examiner’s office has ruled that Ji’Aire’s death was a homicide, and the sheriff’s office said Tuesday that he died of hypothermia and dehydration during his long time on the swing. The autopsy report will be sent to the county state’s attorney’s office, which will decide whether to file charges against Ji’Aire’s mother, Romechia Simms.



  1. how is it not murder?

  2. Guess she just forgot.

  3. Tragic yes, but I don't believe this rises anywhere near to a level of a murder charge.
    This mother was clearly experiencing another psychotic episode. No rational person stays in a park for over 40 hours pushing a child in a swing. She had become completely dissociated including losing all concept of a sense of time.

  4. I feel sorry for the father. He tried his best to get custody of this child. He unlike the mother had a home and wanted the child. He told the courts of her many problems and they still let her keep the child. Sad sad sad.

  5. More democrat policies killing children. The democrats think it's much better to have a dead child than to hold a mother against her will in a mental health treatment facility.

  6. Did you read the linked article 12:38. Evidently when asked by the judge if he felt any of the parents were unfit, the father replied no. The court knew of the mother's previous breakdown but she had written that she was in a more "productive space" now. It doesn't state whether the judge pressed her on this though.

  7. I guess we should ban swings or maybe proches

  8. This case needs to be looked at from many angles. Something in the system broke down. More children need to be removed when they are in danger. F family prservation. When a liberal stance is taken there is more chance for failure.

  9. Romechia and Donnell both to blame for this.

  10. For lack of a better term this mother was obviously out of her mind and is insane. I don't think she purposely meant to harm the child. I think she was completely disengaged of everything around her including the time lapse. No one in their right mind stays at a park that long. That is not normal in and of itself.
    While I guess it is possible that someone would decided to kill their child by taking them to a public park and denying them hydration and hoping it gets cold enough for hypothermia to set in, it doesn't seem logical. If you are intent on killing the child in this way you wouldn't do it in a public area where your actions could be intercepted.
    They only thing that bothers me about all of this is the grandmother's version of events which have proved to be false. This makes me wonder if the grandmother and the mother hadn't had a fight of some sort and the daughter took the child and remained at the park for that reason. They were all living together in a motel room.

  11. 3:00 you are right way more to this story and no matter how we try to stomach it a child suffered greatly. Something is way wrong here. My heart breaks. try going without anything to drink for the next eight hours then times it by five. What a horrible set of events.

  12. It should not be murder, because his mother doesn't believe that black lives matter


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