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Monday, July 20, 2015

Outspoken Sheriff Calls Obama’s Reaction to Chattanooga Shootings a ‘Shoulder Shrug’ — but That’s Mild Compared to What Comes Next

In the wake of the shootings that claimed the lives of five U.S. servicemen in Chattanooga, Tennessee, last week, outspoken Sheriff David A. Clarke, Jr., took to Twitter on Sunday and explained why he believes President Obama’s reaction to the murders was more or less a “shoulder shrug”:


  1. Absolutely correct
    Time for the White folks to stand up for themselves
    our government isn't going to.
    It wouldn't be politically correct.

  2. That Confederate flag flap was just a distraction for things to come and White Americans and RINO's fell for it hook, line and sinker.

    I am ready to take up arms against this tyrannical nation and take the Confederate Flags as our new nations flags.

  3. Yes, Yes, Yes, white folks better stand up for themselves because no one is going to do it for us. Thanks a lot lame Congress.

  4. We really do need a race war to clean out our country of them and Muslims too!

  5. WHITE lives matter

  6. I am a white man who's Grandparents immigrated from Canadian. I am proud of my heritage because my country was the refuge for those who you captured to mistreat and enslave. My country was the last stop on the underground railroad. I should make a little flag to celebrate that fact... You guys are all cool with historical flags on public grounds right?
    When I see the comments above it makes me sick to my stomach. You call yourselves Christians too, probably get there early to get a front seat. I stopped going to church because it is full of hypocrites like you. I got something else for all of you above saying you HOPE I RACE WAR STARTS!!!!! If you get your wish, I am not on your side, you are my enemy.

  7. ill see you comin down my cross-hairs, you crazy hockey stick waving canuck... wont be hard to miss, eh??


  8. I think the point in the post was that Obama rushes and gushes when an event happens that results in arrest or death of someone black or mixed race. It includes showing up and offering eulogies about people he didn't know and never met. Often these individuals have already established a record with law enforcement and the judiciary. That point is lost on him, or inconsequential to his political purpose.

    The Charleston victims appear to be normal people without the arrest issues of Martin, Brown, Garner, or Gray; their deaths were certainly tragic.

    In like fashion he has been MIA regarding the deaths of those who volunteered to put their lives 'in harm's way' for our benefit when the have been slain by zealots.

    O'Malley and Clinton have taken some heat for straying off the PC path by saying, in public and on the record, that "All lives matter." while trying to placate the mob; their intentions were no purer; they wanted to play to both the mob and to those excluded by the mob's single issue focus.

    That's exactly the point; All lives do matter, unless you have a skewed perspective that values your image in the mirror over those who cast a different shade in their reflection. But that sentence holds true regardless of your race, color, gender, creed, or unborn status. We need to re-center on emphasizing caring for those doing a good, or honorable, job in living their lives, while rooting out the criminal elements.

    Ignore the propagandists with the microphones and agenda on TV. Remember the greatest Commandment. Protect the innocent. Arrest and punish the predators.


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