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Tuesday, July 07, 2015

O’Reilly Explodes in Response to Woman Allegedly Killed by Illegal Immigrant Deported Multiple Times

Bill O’Reilly blasted local and federal lawmakers Monday evening over the death of a San Fransisco woman shot dead by a suspected illegal immigrant who had been deported five times.

“The mayor and city supervisors of San Francisco are directly responsible for the murder of Kate Steinle, and the Obama administration is complicit,” O’Reilly said in a talking points memo which also asserted Republican presidential contender Donald Trump’s immigration analysis was correct.

The Fox News host was reacting to news that 45-year-old Francisco Sanches, arrested for the shooting death of Kathryn Steinle, told authorities he chose San Fransisco to live in because of its status as a sanctuary city.



  1. Concerned retireeJuly 7, 2015 at 3:03 PM

    This is happening right here in MD and DEL. They are both sanctuary States. I hear nothing about anyone protesting this. MD even gives them License and signs them up to vote. This in my opinion is illegal since they are not US Citizens.

  2. Bill tells it the way it is. Illegals are being treated better than the US born citizens. Donald Trump was right on with his comments on illegals.

  3. Can't incorporated towns opt out of being forced to be "sanctuaries" for invaders?

  4. Donald Trump is 100% correct. There are MANY more unfortunate stories like Kathryn Steinle which need to brought to media light (which the slimy Democrat Liberals have hidden and downplayed). Shame on those Republicans (playing politics) who are hiding from this and not speaking out in Trump's defense. They all know it's true but are afraid for their own elections/reelections. It's (long past) time for not just a few, but for MANY Americans to speak out loudly about the staggering dangers including further financial ruin "illegal" immigrants have brought on our Country.

  5. Trump is da man ! Correctomondo !

  6. This makes me sick. I've had it with all democrats including local ones. They are the worst of the worst, the dregs of society no better than this murderer themselves. All democrats are responsible for this young lady's murder because it's the democrat policies that allowed this to happen.

  7. 8:08. People like you just make me sad.


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