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Monday, July 13, 2015

O’Malley HAMMERS Trump, Lays Out Immigration Policy’s Core Principles At NCLR

2016 Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley — while speaking at the National Council of La Raza’s annual conference — simultaneously laid out the three core principles of his “detailed immigration policy” while bashing the entirety of the Republican field for “vilifying ‘New Americans’ … and fighting tooth and nail against immigration reform.”

The former Maryland governor began his speech by first noting that, “the genius of America lies in not where you come from, but where you’re going… We were once all strangers in this land, and we must all help each other if we are to succeed.”

After elaborating about his own family’s immigrant history — “my grandfather’s first language wasn’t English” — O’Malley outlined the three core principles of his policy:



  1. So, what language do they speak in Ireland, Marty? Just curious!

  2. Wow what a dope!

  3. Put O'Malley and Trump together on any topic and Trump will chew O'Malley up and spit him out.

  4. What "new Americans" is he talking about? I don't even like Trump, but he would eat Hillary or O'Malley for lunch and spit them out.
    A person who swims, jumps, or runs across a border into another country is a CRIMINAL.
    MANY of them are robbing, raping, beating and killing CITIZENS (and each other, too).
    There isn't a single democrat who can reasonably and logically defend what this country is doing.
    EVERY single Republican candidate is DROOLING over an opportunity to debate ANY Democrat candidate. It would be like throwing a person drenched in blood into a shark tank.
    That's why reporters are roped off and/or ignored by the spineless democrats.
    The questions are waaaaay too uncomfortable and the answers, well, there are none.

  5. Please, the sharks deserve better than this POS. When again, otaxie engages mouth before what's left of his fried brain thinks through a problem. I really wish we could ship him off to some island where there is possible way we would ever hear his mouth again. Bla bla bla.

    This guy is a jerk, a real home grown nut job.


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