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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

No Guns: Now Obama’s Pentagon Says Military Recruiters Should ‘Close the Blinds’ to Avoid Terror Attack

We reported earlier that Obama’s administration is still saying that our military recruiters will not be allowed to be armed to prevent terror attacks on their recruitment offices and even demanded that recruiters take off their uniforms and hide. Now the Obama administration has released another helpful hint for our recruiters: close the window blinds to prevent terror attacks.

No seriously. The Obama administration is now saying that shutting the blinds will prevent terrorism.

Gretchen Carlson reported:



  1. He needs to be impeached...

  2. Idiots! You Obama voters have no clue!

  3. Bullet proof blinds? Just urn your head and they will go away.

  4. How about removing the secrect service and closing the blinds on the White House.

  5. They always close their eyes to terrorist acts

  6. Close the blinds and turn on the lights..? How's that environment agenda workin' out for ya, Obie?


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