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Monday, July 13, 2015

MSP Press Release 7-13-15 - M/V Collision- Rt. 611 @ Rt. 707‏


  1. Before even finishing the PR, I had a feeling it was drug related as soon as I read that the driver was from Hebron. Hebron seems to be the heroin hub outside of SBY.

  2. Scott Hermiston.... known him a loooooooong time. Not Surprising.

  3. He had a 10 year old with him?? I would hope he is in jail.

  4. No child endangerment charges? Dui of dope and possession. He was so messed up he rear ended someone. Attempted murder! Quit playing grab ass with these dopers. He was messed up. Knew the dangers and risked the life of that child and every single person of this county and Worcester not to mention the tourists.

  5. The ten year old that was with him is his child. He's a careless person. Always has been. Nice guy, but unfortunately some leopards never change their spots...


  6. Yet to hear from our 'informed' commenter from last week who was touting the virtues and safety of weed.

    In today's world a high percentage of abusers prefer whatever is handy and will point them in the direction they want to go. Sometimes it's more than one substance.

    Even if weed isn't in hand or in the system on a given day, it's likely in their background.

    Key is just not to get started.

    Best wishes to those injured.


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