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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Message From Governor Hogan's Facebook Page

Today is the fourth day of my second round of chemo and I’m feeling pretty good, all things considered. The outpouring of support since my diagnosis has been nothing short of incredible, and I appreciate each and every prayer and well wish more than I can say.

This experience has been one of the most difficult challenges I have faced in my life. The physical and emotional toll this disease takes, the fear, anxiety, and exhaustion it causes, is indescribable.

Yet as I reflect on my own journey so far, I fully recognize how blessed I am to have the support of not only my family and friends, but also an entire state. It is this support that gives me strength to carry on. And in recognizing this, I can’t help but think of the thousands of other families fighting this same battle, who may not have the benefit of kind words and encouragement such as I have received. Young or old, black or white, rich or poor – cancer does not discriminate.

Since beginning my campaign for governor over a year and a half ago, I’ve met thousands of Marylanders, and in doing so it has cemented my belief that we are a great state of compassionate, caring people who lift one another up in times of need.

Today, I humbly ask that those who support me also remember the thousands of others facing seemingly insurmountable odds, who are just as deserving of our love and support. Do what you can for them, whether it’s making a donation to a cancer-fighting charity, volunteering your time to help sick patients, preparing meals for a family in need, or simply saying a prayer. Thank you.



  1. His writings here truly "tell us" the man he is---


  2. I wish him well, and a second term!

  3. Get well Governor Hogan!

    On another note please leave the SCV tags alone. An attack on my Confederate heritage is a loss of a voter for your next elections.

  4. The Confederate Flag battle is not his fight and he needs to stay out of it.

    Now he should let Baltimore City know that they need to leave the Robert E. Lee park alone. It was put there by people who wanted it and there has never been a problem. Blacks need to quit being racist.

  5. Please Governor Hogan can you move ECI to another location!!

  6. GOD remembers your name and hears your fears. Even when you feel the weakest, GOD is forever strong carrying you all the way.
    My prayers for you and your family for the strength when the way seems long. Blessed by your care for Maryland and her people.

  7. Looking forward to your second term, Larry!


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