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Friday, July 24, 2015

Jade Helm: The Takeover Will NOT Be Televised!

The Jade Helm saga has taken yet another unexpected twist, by announcing the media will not be allowed to cover their exercises or faux missions.

The extremely controversial Jade Helm 15 military exercise, which is scheduled to run from July 15th to September 15th in at least seven states, including “hostile” Texas, will be entirely off-limits to reporters, according to a military spokesperson.

In fact, even the Washington Post was denied coverage of the domestic operation which some believe will lead to a martial law takeover of America.

The extremely controversial Jade Helm 15 military exercise, which is scheduled to run from July 15th to September 15th in at least seven states, including “hostile” Texas, will be entirely off-limits to reporters, according to a military spokesperson.

In fact, even the Washington Post was denied coverage of the domestic operation which some believe will lead to a martial law takeover of America.



  1. All leading up to the last blood moon and Shemeta.

  2. since when has this ever been televised??? are you trying to give isis all of our secrets? Sounds treasonous to me.

    1. It's in the public view. No secret. It's control of the media. Nowadays nothing is quite as bad unless you can visually see it. The American sheeple like 1:35 have no ability to understand what's really happening unless they see it!

  3. The media is government and corporate controlled. I wouldn't trust them anyway to accurately report what is going on.

  4. I am a sheeple and you follow some knuckle head on the radio that basis his opinions on his own fantasy and the need to sell coke products. At least I am not an idiot. HILARIOUS

  5. 3:19 "not an idiot" - the word you wanted is BASES

  6. he covered all the basis....

  7. Oh, yes it will! Blogs and internet trump TV!

    That's why the Gov't wants to control it via "internet equality/ security bs".


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