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Thursday, July 09, 2015

Is This What The First World Cyber War Looks Like: Global Real Time Cyber Attack Map

After a series of cyber failures involving first UAL, then this website, then the NYSE which is still halted, then the WSJ, some have suggested that this could be a concerted cyber attack (perhaps by retaliatory China unhappy its stocks are plunging) focusing on the US. So we decided to look at a real-time cyber attack map courtesy of Norsecorp which provides real time visibility [3]into global cyber attacks.

What clearly stands out is that for some reason Chinese DDOS attacks/hackers seem to be focusing on St. Louis this morning.



  1. If China was responsible,and if it was retaliation for their stock market losses, their timing was to our advantage.Had the market not shut down the losses would have been in access of 500 points.

  2. IT IS ALL AMERCAN DONE..TO CREATE CIVIL WAR and we will destroy ourselves where the gov. has failed with many wars and germs that were suppose to wipe out large populations and failed to do so and now they will hit the Money sector and no jobs and taking history away and then CIVIL WAR will be here.


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