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Tuesday, July 21, 2015



  1. Now that makes sense for animal owners who can't leave home without their animals.

  2. We have 3 dogs, I never ever feel the need to take them in the car with me to go to stores, etc.
    They only time they are in the car is when they have a doc appt, or being boarded.

    Why do so many people feel the need to brings pets with them, only to leave them in vehicles????

  3. 8:33, While we have multiple animals as well, I wouldn't want to take any of them to the store with me either. First of all I'd be afraid someone might take one of them and for those of you who have animals you know that would kill you inside if that happened. I'll also say this. I/We would NEVER bring an animal to the store, ever. We would never leave them in the car in the summer, not even to run in to get a cup of coffee or whatever. I posted this to see what reaction it might bring. Some people no longer have children at home and they treat their pets like children and take them everywhere with them. It will be interesting to see how people react to this post though.

  4. 8:58-"Multiple animals" may be an understatement considering what you've stated in the past.I also love animals,especially dogs and cats.

  5. I have two dogs and they love to ride in the car with me. In this heat I don't take them with me, but if I am going somewhere like the bank or Landfill, I sometimes take them with me and have the ac running the entire time. I would never allow them to suffer and they are like my children to me. They are my companions in my old age!

  6. Some people choose to include a pet in their life. I used to take my dog to as many places as possible before I had children. If they allowed dogs my dog went. I never left her in a car and I knew if she was with me I had to wait and do my errands later. I did that not because I was a self absorbed POS as some of you might think but because I wanted a well socialized dog. During our outings I would frequently conduct training with her to make sure she understood and could follow basic commands while in a distracting environment. I also found out what her limits were and how far I could push them. All of this was so that when I had kids I knew what I could and could not do with my dog. Now that my children are here my dog is bomb proof and will listen on the first command and will not wander off.

    I do not feel that most people take their dogs with them for these reasons but I am very happy that I was able to and I would push to keep the laws regarding taking dogs into public as lenient as possible. This is just my experience.

  7. Pets should be left at home if you have to go somewhere! The only "Pets" that should be allowed in a store are SERVICE ANIMALS WITH APPROPRIATE VESTS PROVING THEY ARE SERVICE ANIMALS!!! This is with the Exception of PETSMART! I don't care how cute your purse dog is! I care that I am HIGHLY ALLERGIC TO DOGS! You put your dog in the shopping carts, and then I touch the cart and break out! How fair is that? The fact that you were tooo lazy to leave your animal at home, and thought it would be cute to take it shopping with you!

    1. Well then bring your benadryl or Epi pen with you. My dog is more of a pleasure to see then your cry baby self. What's the difference between service animals dander and my dogs dander.... Nothing! So if your going to have an allergic reaction to one your going to have it with the other. No reason my pooch can't come with me and get to interact with other people because jerks like you want to cry. Furry lives matter bro

  8. What ever you do======do NOT take your dog with
    you in the car , leave him there while you do
    10 min errands if temp is 75 deg. out. Even
    with windows cracked-----IT's not safe.

  9. 10:52 How about you find a different pet store? Duh

  10. I could never leave my dog unattended in a public place like this. If I came back and found my dog missing I'd probably burn the store down.

  11. You hit it on the head 3:10 !

  12. 9:46 AM Finally another person who thinks like I do. I agree with the logic of using an outing for training purposes and it has worked many times for me. My "babies are well behaved in any situation from crying, screaming kids, to other animals. I have taught my dogs the difference in protection and being friendly.

    It is my personal belief that the more social your pet(s) are the better behaved they are. I like taking my dogs out more than just for vet appointments to let them know that not every visit ends up with them getting needles or other unpleasant things done to them. I want my pets happy.

    When I come across someone that my dog doesn't like, I know that person should be avoided and it has served me well over the years.

    Dogs are pack animals and need to be socialized in order to be happy themselves.

    I never leave my dogs in the vehicle unattended, and I would never leave them alone without me. I am going to brag a wee bit here, but I feel my dogs are better behaved than most kids I see and hear in the stores.

  13. @2:03 DUH as you stated! I was talking about REGULAR STORES like WALMART, KMART, the MALL, Not Pet Stores! I clearly said the EXCEPTION was PETSMART who CLEARLY WELCOME ANIMALS IN THEIR STORE! ALL OTHER STORES HAVE SIGNS POSTED STATING SERVICE ANIMALS ONLY! You clearly did not READ!!!!!!!!!!! @3:10 I always have my EPI PEN with me - to bad I have to use ALOT more because of JERKS who DON'T give a crap about other people or THE POSTED RULES OF A STORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes FUR LIVES MATTER! Yes FurBABIES matter! I never said they didn't! What should be is that their OWNERS should be RESPONSIBLE for them! That included FOLLOWING RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SERVICE DOGS are to HELP people out! That is the only reason the stores allow them not because you are too lazy to leave your DOG home in the AIR CONDITIONING!!!!!!!!!!


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