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Friday, July 03, 2015

Intel Experts: Obama's 'Benign Neglect' of Terror Groups Has 'Disastrous' Consequences

With al-Qaida and the Islamic State group enjoying safe havens across parts of Yemen, Syria and Iraq, and with terror attacks on the rise worldwide, doubts are growing about the effectiveness and sustainability of the Obama administration's "light footprint" strategy against global extremist movements.

A strategy predicated on training local forces and bombing terrorists from the air is actually making the situation worse, some leading intelligence analysts. Many are arguing for deeper U.S. involvement, if not with regular ground troops, then at least with elite advisers and commandos taking more risks in more places.

"What they are doing now is making it more likely that there will be a bigger, more disastrous catastrophe for the United States," said David Sedney, who resigned in 2013 as deputy assistant secretary of defense for Afghanistan and Pakistan.

"Drone strikes are not creating a safer, more stable world," Sedney said, and neither is the limited bombing campaign the Pentagon is running against the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria. Both are creating new enemies, he added, without a plan to defeat them.

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1 comment:

  1. I have spoke with many of my friends at the VA , they would love to have a crack at satan(Obama).


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