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Thursday, July 02, 2015

Huckabee: Calling Gay Marriage a Civil Right Insults African-Americans

African-Americans should be insulted by hearing same-sex marriage being called a civil right, Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee said Wednesday.

Huckabee, who served as Arkansas governor from 1996-2007, made the comment during a radio interview with a station in Baton Rouge, La.

"First of all, what an insult to African Americans, who were hosed in the street, who were beaten, who were truly discriminated against with separate restrooms, separate drinking fountains, separate entrances," Huckabee said on WJBO.

"That was true discrimination and it was horrible. It's hard to say that the redefinition of marriage is on the same basis as was racial discrimination throughout our history."

Huckabee also said the Supreme Court has opened the door for a variety of marriages with its ruling.



  1. I don't think he cares what the fouled, in moral, democratic media says. If your Christian your against gay marriage and the ones who say they are Christian who are in favor aren't Christian. PERIOD!!!!

  2. Depend on it: Ob' will destroy as many Christian entities as he can.

  3. Gay and lesbian citizens can point to Obergefell as the first Supreme Court ruling that recognizes them as full and equal citizens and acknowledges the pain they feel from centuries of marginalization.

  4. There are plenty of gay African Americans


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