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Monday, July 13, 2015

Hillary's Top Aide Has Yet To Turn Over Benghazi Emails

A longtime Clinton aide may be stonewalling a State Department request for private Benghazi-related emails despite a court order demanding she produce them.

Huma Abedin, Clinton's deputy chief of staff at the State Department and current campaign staffer, is the only former aide to Secretary Hillary Clinton that has failed to turn over emails in response to a request from the State Department, court documents show.

Cheryl Mills, Clinton's chief of staff at State, and Jake Sullivan, her deputy, submitted personal emails to the agency June 26 in response to letter sent by the agency earlier this year to Abedin, Mills and Sullivan.

The letters demanded the three aides "make available to the Department any federal records that they may have in their possession, such as emails concerning official government business sent or received on a personal email account while serving in their official capacities with the Department," the State Department said in court filings.

More here


  1. Huma Abedin's parents are confirmed terrorists...and her husband is a perv.

  2. 1:39 sounds like perfect Obama/Hildabeast material.

  3. She should just tell them FU.

  4. She's just a big liar as Hillary, otherwise they would not be working together - and yes, her parents are terrorists.

  5. All I know is they spend a bunch of money on batteries.

  6. How in hell did Huma ever get a security clearance?


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