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Friday, July 24, 2015

High-Speed Chase In Ocean City

OCEAN CITY — A New York man faces 24 different traffic violations after leading Ocean City Police on a wild 30-plus block chase on a motorcycle before being caught sitting on a bench along the bay late last Friday night.

Around 11:20 p.m. last Friday, an OCPD officer was on unmarked vehicle patrol in the area of 81stStreet and Coastal Highway when he came up behind a motorcycle bearing New York tags at a stoplight. The officer noticed the motorcycle had blue LED lights projecting outward from the vehicle’s body in violation of traffic laws.

When the light turned green, the officer activated his emergency lights in an attempt to get the driver, later identified as Porfirio Chavez, 58, of Bayville, N.Y. to pull over. Instead, Chavez dashed across three lanes of traffic and accelerated at a high rate of speed approaching an estimated 70 mph, according to police reports. The officer broadcasted to other OCPD officers that the motorcycle was fleeing from him and began a pursuit. Several officers along southbound Coastal Highway reported seeing Chavez fly past their locations, running red lights at 62nd Street, 45thStreet and Convention Center Drive, while changing lanes and weaving in and out of traffic, sometimes traveling between lanes through vehicles in traffic.



  1. Why can't these bums stay in wildwood? ??

  2. I was under the impression that OC had a no chase policy. This is from an event nearly 20 years ago where a man was running from police in a Ford Explorer. A pedestrian and his brother were crossing the road about 2 blocks south of rt 50 and one was hit by this driver at over 100 mph. He was going so fast in fact he drove right off OC into the inlet and was found hiding under a dock. The man he hit had his body parts strewn over 2 or 3 blocks. I saw the police marking the parts with spray paint as I left town that night. There is no reason to chase in OC. They have a huge police force, there are only 3 exits from OC and regular traffic patterns already prove fatal for several pedestrians every year. There is no way a car, even a cop car, can keep up with a motorcycle on OC streets with summer traffic in town. As soon as he took off, turn off the lights and track his movements by radio. You can't outrun the radio, and the radio can't run anyone over. Bad move OC.

  3. Poorly written article, no one "chased" the motorcycle, he failed to stop for a traffic violation, and was observed by numerous officers until he went down a 1 way street and was caught, not much of a story either way

  4. Really? All this over blue lights on a bike that I see countless times around here? Slow night for revenue collection?

  5. They saw him "fly by" ? I want a flying motorcycle. The policeman isn't there to create disorder, the policeman is there to preserve disorder. Let's get this thing straight, once and for all.


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