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Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Having Dispensed With God, Leftists Now Aim for Christians

1-2-3-4-5. Five leftist lawyers, currently abusing their authority as Supreme Court Justices, unleashed their activism upon the U.S. Constitution Friday and created a non-existent right to same-sex marriage. The Fourteenth Amendment may provide equal protection under the law, but by applying it to expand the definition of marriage the Court has created a constitutional crisis in America. The First and Tenth Amendments, which respectively promise freedom of individual religion and award jurisdiction to the States of all powers not enumerated in the Constitution, have now been placed in direct conflict with the Fourteenth Amendment.

“Love Wins”? Not here it doesn’t, nor does anything but the will of five judicial despots, followed by the bullying mob rule of the Left and its Rainbow Mafia. Need proof?

In 2008, before the Saul Alinsky-ite Barack Obama and his Chicagoland gang occupied the White House and began “fundamentally transforming” our nation, there was debate, dissent and dialogue about all sorts of issues, including those issues fomented by the hard Left in order to label the response of the Christian Right as extremist.

In 2008, homosexual couples could enter into a legal, binding contract for shared property, power of attorney for making health care decisions, probate of wills, etc., and were, in most cases, receiving health care benefits from employers. These same homosexual couples were consummating their relationship in the privacy of their own domicile without harassment.

In 2008, Christians could speak their opinions and stand on their faith while understanding their voice was respected in the public square.

In 2015, however, those same Christians are in grave danger of losing legal standing because their beliefs are pitted against a brand new, heretofore undiscovered constitutional right. Tolerance is only for those who agree with the mob-rule Left.

What changed in seven years?


  1. Its the French Revolution redux right here in America. When hard left mob rule completely takes over things usually get violent fast. Google French Revolution to see whats next for America.

  2. Under what premise do you base the statement about "getting rid of God". The Christian voice in this country is stronger and more belligerent than ever. Please screen your articles for some semblance of fact.

  3. 8:37 Here's a fact. The left has done and is doing everything it can to get God out of the public arena. If you can't see that you are either blind or stupid. Now if you are saying the left has not gotten rid of God, well that is true and will never happen. Sorry for you but I guess you and your friends can keep trying.

  4. The liberal left is doing everything in its power to eliminate Christianity from the public forum.
    Only the willfully blind would fail to see that.
    The 'Christian voice' that remains is not belligerent, but it is persistent. And will remain so.
    This country was founded on the principle of religious freedom, not gay rights, nor atheism, and certainly not to create a utopian socialist state.

  5. 8:37 Belligerent? Name calling is what the left does best. If you look around you will see plenty of attacks on Christians and their belief system. The Christian voice is getting stronger BECAUSE of those attacks. Previously they were giving the benefit of the doubt.

    You know "turn the other cheek". Not anymore. The re-defining of marriage by the Supreme Court is red flags. As this article points out gays in this country had every right to enter into contracts with their loved ones. No one argued that. But marriage? That is a Christian tenet and believe me people WILL fight.

  6. I am sick of the Rain bOw Warriors and Craplyn Jenner. Society upheld a man that fathered children and married women all the while knowing he was transgendered. You call him a hero. I call him a liar and a cheater. Then again look at the Kardadshiens I don't think you can damage that family. Talk about an identity crisis. lol

    Sick of the whole movement I don't give a crap that you enjoy bedding the same sex. That is your problem not mine. The meek will inherit the earth.

  7. hope you are enjoying Ob's "Changes"

  8. The time is coming for more PTL and pass the ammunition!


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