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Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Governor Hogan's First Five Months


  1. A+++++ Finally, a Governor of Maryland that is "for the best for Maryland".

    Pray for his healing!

  2. They forgot that he went along with the idiots in saying the confederate flag needs to go.

  3. 7:59 I agree. That negates all the positives to date!

  4. Been waiting a long time for a Governor like Mr Hogan....

  5. While he did cave on the Confederate Battle flag (which BTW, Marty would have done faster and with more media coverage), he is still one of the best we've ever had in MD - while Marty and Parris battle it out for worst!

  6. Great governor for sure...but...he promised concealed carry laws would be relaxed...seems it didn't happen...shucks..

  7. Give the Governor a break. He has done a great many things to date and he is fighting cancer while doing it! He still has time to attack some other issues and I feel certain he will and he will do a fine job! You rock Governor Hogan!!!


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