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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Governor Hogan "I'm sporting a new aerodynamic look"

It looks like there is another white dome in the Annapolis State House! Thanks to my treatments, I'm sporting a new aerodynamic look. I'm saving time not having to wash or comb my hair, and I don't even need to shave my face! The First Lady says I'm still sexy. I may be losing hair follicles, but I'm winning the battle as we kill cancer cells like crazy. So yes - the new look is a bit of a shock at first, but to me, bald is beautiful! #HoganStrong


  1. God bless and keep you!
    I will pray for a speedy recovery.

  2. Looks like Rick from the Pawn Star Show!

  3. You go Governor Hogan, you rock! Thank you for your honesty, your integrity, and your ability to get this state heading in the right direction. After so many years of being assaulted by the never ending taxes and fees imposed on the citizens by O'Malley, you sir are doing a great job for us, the working people that aren't politically connected.

    GOD bless you and your family as you continue with your treatments, and HIS spirit guide and protect you always.

  4. Great outlook!!! Prayers for you and your family. It's a hard road to travel...

  5. Blessings on you for a speedy recovery!
    Blessings on you for the positive things you have already done!
    Blessings on you for the positive things you are planning!


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