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Friday, July 03, 2015

Google apologizes for mis-tagging photos of African Americans

Google was quick to respond over the weekend to a user after he tweeted that the new Google Photos app had mis-categorized a photo of him and his friend in an unfortunate and offensive way.

Jacky Alciné, a Brooklyn computer programmer of Haitian descent, tweeted a screenshot of Google's new Photos app showing that it had grouped pictures of him and a black female friend under the heading "Gorillas."

"Google Photos, y'all f****d up. My friend's not a gorilla," Alciné wrote.



  1. Can software be racist? LOL who are white liberals and their racism stoking media gonna blame?

  2. Ut Oh! Ban Facebook, it's racist!

  3. The scary part is if Google has this type of spatial/object recognition available for the public to play with, what do you think our shady arse government is doing with this type of technology? They are normalizing the control grid they are implementing.

  4. Too funny, snort snort.

  5. The software works by recognizing key facial features based on pre-programmed metrics. It did what it's designed to do.


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