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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Gohmert: Ginsburg, Kagan ‘Violated the Constitution,’ Didn’t Recuse Themselves

(CNSNews) – Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) told C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal” on Wednesday that Supreme Court Justices Elena Kagan and Ruth Bader Ginsburg “acted illegally” by not recusing themselves before weighing in on same-sex marriage.

“Two of our justices – Kagan and Ginsberg – had presided over same-sex marriage. So there was no question they believed it was constitutional. That means they were disqualified. The law 28 USC 455 says: ‘Any justice, judge or magistrate of the United States shall disqualify’ – not maybe – ‘shall disqualify in any proceeding in which impartiality might reasonably be questioned,’” Gohmert said.

Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore told CNSNews that was grounds for impeachment for both justices.



  1. Bet your arse that if these were conservatives, the libz would be like there was no tomorrow.

    But, since they are flaming libz, this will be swept under the rug like it never happened.

  2. Gohmert is part of the legislative bady that is part of our checks and balances he should be in congress pushing impeachment of these two law breakers, when is congress going to get the balls to stand up and start demanding our laws be followed? Will this only happen when we have had enough and revolt against the injustices and flagrant disregard for the laws of our country? It appears if you work for the government in a high enough position laws do not apply to you, were is the equal protection under the law? I will tell you, it no longer exists!

  3. Only one problem. THE Republicans won't do a damp thing as usual. That's why they ALL have to be replaced ASAP.

  4. The catholic Church is anti gay marriage, should all of the practicing Catholics recused themselves too?

  5. Actually all religions are (supposedly )against gay marriage.


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