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Friday, July 03, 2015

Fairfax, VA Updates Transgender Sex Ed Curriculum

A school system in Virginia is planning to teach about the gender identity spectrum and the fluidity of sexuality beginning in the fall of 2016.

The sex ed curriculum for grades 7-12 in Fairfax County, Virginia, will be teaching gender as a social and psychological spectrum, upon which there are infinite gradations. Most people are cisgender, meaning that they identify with the gender assigned to them at birth, but others are transgender, meaning their feelings don’t sync up with the gender they were assigned at birth. The world may see them as male when they are really women, or vice versa. Others may feel themselves to be androgynous, different genders at different times, or no gender at all.

Many contend that gender is biological, and that any gender system that isn’t divided into two categories is unscientific, but this curriculum will give students a greater understanding of transgender people, who face some of the highest rates of hate crimes.

They also plan to teach that sexuality is fluid, and orientation can change over the course of one’s lifetime, writes Howard Portnoy of the Examiner.

These policies are based on the work of a group called Gender Spectrum, which works with educators to raise awareness of these topics, writes Inquisitr.



  1. Who in the heck comes up with this psycho-babble?
    Makes it sound like the great majority of us don't know which way to go...
    Androgynous, or maybe a female sometimes, but next week, a male?
    And we let them TEACH this??
    Because some group with an agenda says we just don't know which sex we prefer, doesn't make it true, or right, or real. How about spending that sex ed hour on math and reading, because even a man dressed up in a skirt still needs to read, write, and add --- something a large portion of these kids can't do upon graduating.
    More "self-esteem" and "feel good" crap shoved down our kids throat whether they want to hear it or not (and whether YOU, as parents, want to have it taught to your children!).
    They can't tell you who George Washington was, or who is the Vice-president, but they recite sexual statistics and tell you what a transexual is.....
    Indoctrination and propaganda directed at children......
    Keep cheering.

  2. 2016 ehhh just in time to repeal it after oscama is Out.

    1. Man I pray to GOD you are right.

  3. "Cisgender".

    Seriously people?! Couldn't just be "gender"? Not "gender at birth" vs. "current gender"...?


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