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Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Ex-CNN Anchor To Gun Controllers: 'Shut The ---- Up'

Lynne Russell, a former CNN anchor who worked for the cable network between 1983 and 2001 – and who was attacked by an armed felon during a trip with her husband – issued a sharp rebuke against those who want to control Americans’ access to guns: “Shut the f— up,” she said, to a local television station.

Russell and her husband, former CNN reporter Chuck de Caro, were recently attacked by an armed man, Tomorio Watson, who approached them in Albuquerque, New Mexico, at their Motel 6 room. Tomorio reportedly held a gun to Russell’s head and forced her into the hotel room, and demanded she and her husband give up their possessions. He then began shooting at de Caro, a former Green Beret. De Caro was hit three times but pulled his own gun and shot Tomorio, killing him.

“The discussion over the debate to own a gun is just ridiculous,” she told Fox 411. “As Americans we have the right to bear arms and as humans the right to protect ourselves. I’m sure that the man who shot my husband did not have a gun permit. Criminals will always have guns."



  1. I agree criminals always obtain guns. Things are getting much worse if we were like Texans, who are able to wear them and have them in vehicles, and our homes crime would go down. Take a good look at that state and their crime rate, prisons and courts. It is a deterrent if a criminal things he will be hurt or killed in the process of a robbery, rape or home break in, for sure.

  2. People tend to look at mass murders, because everyone is sympathetic towards the people who are killed or injured. They can relate, that could happen to me. But we do not bat an eye when you read that 7 people were killed in Chicago over the holiday weekend. Do you honestly believe the people who did the shooting have legally owned weapons? Not a chance. So what will gun control really do? It will make it easier for criminals to pick off the law followers. In the end that is all it will do. Criminals will always find a way to commit a crime. The law abiding citizens will be the ones to pay the consequences. How about this for gun control, lock up more criminals for a longer period of time instead of allowing them back on the streets.

  3. What's that old joke about a conservative merely being a liberal who was robbed?

  4. "Criminals will always have guns."


    To Obama, Martin O'Malley, Jim Ireton, Jake Day and Chuck Cook. STFU!!


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