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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Emails Offer New Clues About The Handling Of The April Riots

Newly released emails are offering new clues about the handling of the April riots and the complaints by some top city officials about being left out of the loop.

WBAL-TV 11 News filed a Public Information Request April 29 seeking communications between the mayor, city school officials, police officials and the governor. It's taken nearly three months for our request to be answered and most of what we sought is being denied.

The city cites a variety of reasons, including the claim certain communications are protected by the give and take of the decision-making process.

The new emails do reveal that on April 30, as the city was still dealing with protests, demonstrations, and the aftershock of the riots, it was also dealing with a cyberattack on its website and email security threats.



  1. A whole lot can be manufactured in 2 months.As far as I'm concerned it was what it was and Baltimoreans should rebuild what they destroyed.The smoke and mirror technique may work for the general public,but this is an act of desparation.Personally I don't care if the city never returns to it's previous state.The thugs need to cope with what they have created.If I had a temper tantrum and smashed the windows in my own house why would I expect someone else to replace them?

  2. Nothing from the B-more mayor because it would show she was ultimately responsible for the destruction by telling the police not to stop any looting or destruction of property. If my business were destroyed by the rioters I would be suing her and the city for my losses. She is responsible for letting the 'dogs out'!

  3. You guys just keep giving your stupid opinions on what should or could have been done. It's over folks , you let it happen , yes I said you.
    Nothing will happen until you take up arms and destroy this enemy ,
    this mayor and the likes of her through out the country have to go.
    The only way they will go , in a pine box.

  4. I think they are doing a pretty decent job of killing each other off and I hope they don't stop any time soon.
    I just wish more were better shots because we're hearing too much of this 10 shot 2 homicide type of thing.

  5. George Soros,O'Malley and the democrats are why black lives don't matter.


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