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Monday, July 20, 2015

Dick Morris: Walker's 'Impressive' State Record Puts Him on Top

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker accomplished "an extraordinary act of political leadership" in beating back the unions in his home state — and he's the only candidate running for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination with "incredibly impressive accomplishments," political strategist Dick Morris told Newsmax TV on Friday.

"Not just positions, but accomplishments — and that's very important," Morris, who served in the Clinton White House, told "The Hard Line" host Ed Berliner.

"The defect that Walker has is that he's not used to the national stage," he added. "The difference between a senator and a governor when they run is that a senator has to answer anything, any question anybody asks, whereas a governor can formulate the agenda and stick with it.

"Particularly as the Iran deal and other things move the focus more toward foreign policy, we need to see if Walker can keep abreast in that."

More here


  1. Scott is my choice.
    He's down to earth, not extremely political.. more focused on problem-solving than legacy-building.
    He's one of us.
    We DON'T need another one of 'them'.
    More than just talk and ideas, he has a record of success.
    And he has the 'anatomy' to do what needs doing in DC.
    I'm ordering my bumper stickers.

  2. Everything this man has done was against hard working tax payer. His the Koch brothers number one pick. I'm loving Trump even more.

  3. Every few years that snake Dick Morris comes out from under his rock to pontificate. He was stunningly and colossally wrong in the last election. He has lost all credibility.

    That said, I do like Scott Walker. I just had to vent because I think Dick Morris is a total blow hard. He says what he thinks I want to hear in order to keep the money flowing. That is why he used to be Clinton's lapdog. When he found there was more money to had around FOXNews he started spouting conservative ideas.

    The guy is a fake and a fraud. I refuse to listen to him or even read what he says. I wish you would just go away.

  4. Scott Walker? Please. Only if you want the economy to fall off a cliff.
    Walker doesn’t really have any positive economic data to point to. Since he took office, his state has fallen from 11th to 44th in job creation. Wisconsin’s wages are also declining at twice the national level.

    The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia has ranked the Badger State 49th in its 50-state Leading Index report for April. With an index rank of -0.74 percent, Wisconsin was one of only five states to show contraction.

  5. He needn't be concerned about any accomplishments of others including the president on foreign policy , they have none. They can't even define our foreign policy . The only thing the present administration has done is get into bed with the enemy .
    We don't have any allies left , so it's an up hill battle.

  6. Scott Walker is absolutely not the person we need as President.
    To start with he tried to sneak language into WI's budget that would have allowed ALL state agencies including LE and the legislature itself, to keep their files secret. Does that sound familiar to anyone?
    Secondly, he's a spineless back-peddler who won't stand behind his own decisions. After hiring Liz Mair as a consultant he allowed a very few Iowan's to force him to let her go. For her correctly stated remarks about Iowa's 'distorting influence' on national politics by being first with caucuses.
    The country needs more then Scott Walker can give us.

  7. I would have voted for Walker had he not sided with the RINO's and thrown Trump under the bus.

    I voting for Trump even if he's not on the ballot.


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