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Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Democrat Mows Down Small Children at July 4th Parade

As other candidates spent their Independence Day kissing babies, Democrat Joe Sestak spent his running them down.

As Sestak, a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Senate in Pennsylvania, approaches a pair of voters and a small child with an outstretched arm hoping to be met with a handshake, a woman exclaims “watch it!” However, either unaware of or unconcerned with the child’s presence, Sestak proceeds to knock the little girl to the ground. The man next to the child yells out as he checks on her welfare.

“Stop! Stop!” another woman yells out in a separate incident.

Sestak, again either unaware of or unconcerned with the presence of a small child, then hip-checks a boy to the pavement. The boy can be heard screaming “Mommy!” immediately after the collision.


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