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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Cop from 4th of July Checkpoint Spotted Again!

1 comment:

  1. First, one gets stopped, detained, and put through a search at a Nazi "checkpoint", where armed agents FORCE citizens (INNOCENT OF ANY CRIME!) to stop and be questioned (and searched if you don't "comply").

    Then they have the absolute gall to invoke the name of the Constitution! They couldn't SPELL Constitution if you gave them the first eleven letters.
    It might be a "privilege" to drive, but it's my RIGHT to travel without being searched or detained by armed gestapo agents, LOOKING for POSSIBLE criminals.
    We are surrendering EVERYTHING without hardly a sound of protest.
    Search without warrant. Confiscate cash and property without charges or trial. Arrested in secret and jailed in a secret facility. Everyone wiretapped and monitored, innocent or not. Pictures taken dozens of times and filed in a police database forever. Checking and savings accounts monitored. DNA samples taken at every opportunity, innocent or not. Thoughts, expressions and symbols subjected to government approval. People getting 20 years in prison for stealing $150 but bankers steal hundreds of billions and the taxpayers give them a "bailout"; the bankers buy another island. Christ rejected and ridiculed while the government promotes and encourages men sucking each other off. Electing powerful people based on their gender or color and not any experience or record of accomplishment.
    I know that slave owning loser with those horrible "limited government" ideas, Thomas Jefferson, would be SO happy at what we've done with his ideas.
    He is going to PERSONALLY beat your aces when he sees you later.
    He must feel like the billionaire who leave his kids his fortune and then watches them go broke in 3 years. "I gave you all that and THIS is what you've done with it?!!".
    Keep cheering.


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