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Thursday, July 02, 2015

Carly Fiorina Winning Over Skeptics

When it was Carly Fiorina’s turn to take the stage at a presidential forum in Oklahoma City, Noah Wolff was thinking of heading outside for a break.

“I thought, of all the people, why is she here?” said Wolff, 19, a Republican and political science major at the University of Oklahoma.

But as Fiorina started speaking, Wolff was captivated by her message. While other candidates in the convention hall spent their time spewing standard conservative talking points and criticizing the current Democratic administration, he said, Fiorina outlined solutions, such as how she would negotiate a nuclear deal with Iran.

Wolff stood with the crowd in several ovations for the GOP presidential hopeful.

Previously, the only thing he knew about Fiorina was that Hewlett-Packard had fired her. “Maybe that’s why I was so impressed, I came in with very low expectations, and she was just far and away the best speech,” he said.

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  1. I like her. I've listened to her and she is an accomplished woman. Of course the left will crucify her as they always do female or black conservatives but she might win over enough. I wouldn't rule her out.

  2. I like Ben Carson, but I still think a Walker/Fiorina ticket is our best bet.

  3. love Ben Carson as well. Walker/Fiorina for me for now...she really is very impressive.

  4. Concerned RetireeJuly 2, 2015 at 7:45 PM

    I like Rubio / Fiorina. If there is a Women President my first choice would be Conde Rice or Carly Fiorina. There are diffidently Ladies not a whatever like Clinton.


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