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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

'Candidate of Substance': O'Malley Man With Many Plans

Hillary Clinton may be the front-runner. Bernie Sanders may be drawing big crowds. Martin O'Malley wants to be known as the big ideas candidate for the Democratic nomination, meeting one voter at a time and never quitting.

The former Maryland governor lags behind Clinton and Sanders in the RealClearPolitics polling average, at just 1.3 percent nationally. He was booed at a liberal conference.

But since launching his campaign May 30 in Baltimore, where he was once mayor, O'Malley released numerous lengthy policy proposals: a ten-page white paper on economics, a detailed foreign policy speech and a plan for using executive power to protect more illegal immigrants from deportation.



  1. owemalley is an idiot

  2. The man should be tested for drugs.

  3. Just looking for a job with Clinton.

  4. Yea plans to screw you at every turn. Go away already omalley. It will take hogan years to clean up your mess.

  5. The only substance OweMoron has is 8ull$4!t.....

  6. O'Malley and I finally found something we could agree on! He if considers himself the turtle, than yes we all need to fear the TURTLE! Hopefully, no one will give him the chance to do to the Country what he has done to our state.

  7. And "All Lives Matter", right O'Malley?


  8. Rain tax, rain tax
    Go away
    Go to some other country
    Maybe they'll pay.

  9. Straight talking Donald Trump is the man,time to throw out career politicians.

  10. otaxie couldn't develop a detail plan or policy for potty training! This guy is a nut. He will lie, cheat, and steal his way through anything for political gain. That is what he cares about.

    Black voters in Baltimore, are you better off while he was in office? The answer is no. The only reason he plays kissy-face to the Spanish, the Black, and all other immigrant populations is to get your vote. He doesn't care about you nor will he do anything to help you UNLESS he gets something out of it first.

    The man can't be trusted. He has no real purpose anymore. Who needs or wants he? Most intelligent Marylander's already know he is no good. He is a loser.

  11. Stupid man wants to become president yet backs down when crowds of blacks boo him when he said, "all lives matter". Guess what slick, if you want to become president so bad, your butt better retract, and rethink your statement because in this country (until more democrats destroy it) ALL LIVES MATTER not just black lives. Think on that idiot.

  12. O'Malley will bankrupt America faster than you can say his name. It will begin with a Social Security funded hotel built on the foundation of the White House that will house all the terrorists conventions that Obama has deemed necessary so their feelings aren't hurt when the rest of us tell them to go home and leave us alone.


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