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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Are You Old Enough To Understand?


  1. Isn't that the Democrat flag?

  2. Our tolerance was dictated by our current tyrant!

  3. Yes, I do believe that is the Democratic flag!!

  4. Well we chase them off in Berlin that's our mistake letting these Nazis fleeing to SA region while Hitler is still alive and give out orders to soros and other group.

  5. Well...we wanted little to do with the war, other then sending aid to Great Britain, until Pearl Harbor.

  6. At 127 years old, I don't think that Adolf is doing much in the way of ordering anyone to do anything.

  7. Let's not forget our allies in WWII -- Britain, France, USSR, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Greece, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Yugoslavia who all remain relatively quiet about how to best approach this evil.

    Those who take at least partial aim at the problem have instituted strict and well-enforced laws regarding immigration and post-immigration behavior. The rest have more suffered the consequences and are more likely to suffer more.

    1. Those countries who have immigration restrictions that are taken seriously have it much better than those who don't. Compare Australia to the U.S., for example.


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