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Monday, July 13, 2015

Agenda 21 is Real, Far Creepier than Area 51, and is Coming Soon to a Suburb Near You

You’ve heard of Area 51: the super secret government site around which all manner of far-fetched conspiracy theories have swirled for decades. You may not have heard of Agenda 21, which would be unfortunate because Agenda 21 involves something like an actual conspiracy, though one out in the open and far creepier than Area 51.

Ground zero for Agenda 21 at the moment is that home to all things moonbat: Seattle, Washington. The city has been engaging in secret talks to eliminate single-family zoning, which will move families out of houses and into dense housing units instead. This comes a year after micro-housing began replacing regular housing in Seattle with tiny apartments averaging only 145 square feet, known as aPodments, sometimes with shared kitchens.

This transition is part of Agenda 21. It all started 23 years ago with a non-binding resolution for an “Agenda for the 21st Century” at a U.N. Earth Summit, which President Bush signed, along with 172 other countries. Agenda 21 emerged out of an imaginary concern that the earth would run out of resources, includes a fear of overpopulation and crowding out other species, and has grown to encompass such vague environmental causes as “climate change” and redistributing resources in the name of social justice. Ultimately, its goal is a radical transformation of society. The movement uses feel-good words like “livable communities” and “smart growth” to suck people in to thinking it’s positive and harmless.

Agenda 21 is amorphous and pervades every aspect of life and law, and there’s no limit to how far it will go. There can always be fewer fossil fuels, fewer single-family homes, fewer cars, more recycling and more space for a particular species to roam. The ultimate goal is to eliminate most private property, along with all those nasty, dirty cars and appliances that run on power.



  1. I worked at area 51 in the 90's.If there was anything strange there I was not privvy to it.The "ufologists" hiding in the area surrounding area 51 watching constantly with high tech equipment were indeed stranger than anything actually going on inside of Area 51.We were instructed to be "tolerant" of their presence,because any obvious attempt to run them off would cause even more suspicion that something otherworldly was happening there.

  2. While the increasing population will continue to be a problem the way the government is dealing with this is wrong wrong wrong. I will not be told what to do. I am a free man with the God given right of free will. If the government wants to turn the world into one big housing project they will need the consent of the governed which they clearly do not have. Trying to force the population will end in mutiny, as it should.

  3. Agenda 21 is being implemented via the green movement and the International Property Maintenance Code.

    Know of any local politicians who are making their money via environmentalism and the federal government? Maybe one running for mayor?


  4. 10:07 I think your first and second sentence pretty much sums up what you needed to say. Peons never do get to know whats really going on unless they stumble into it.

  5. I have been reading and TRYING to disseminate info regarding Agenda 21 for many years. As always, people think you're crazy for even suggesting anything could happen like this. Of course, they never bother to check this out for themselves and remain oblivious and ignorant on this and many issues.

    Is there hope? Only if citizens decided to wake up and educate themselves.

  6. Jake Day is definitely sipping the agenda 21 kool aid

  7. Quit having so many kids and that will take care of overpopulation!

  8. Micro houses. Shared kitchens. Sounds like they're making a small third world country out of Seattle. That's the kinda crap you see in countries that are struggling.

  9. Another way of controlling people. America has done nothing to control illegal drugs. Be very easy to make citizens zombies. Put all in camps, small areas. then drug them through their food. Another reason to kick out the UN, make them pay their fines and stop all foreign aide except to England and Isreal ASAP.

  10. 6:45PM I think you might have something about the drugging of people. Why all of a sudden, has everyone police, congress, president, you name it all approved of pot??? I think it is to keep the young and sickly populations drugged and completely unaware of what is happening around them. Pot is a gateway drug, that has been proven, so why do all the leaders approve of it and allow stores and more to open???


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